Andrew Ng, SUMR '17
Over the SUMR program's history, students from Penn's Wharton, Arts and Sciences, Nursing, and Engineering Schools have been SUMR scholars and, in 2017, the program welcomed its first scholar from the Penn Dental School: Andrew Ng. The move follows a growing interest in health services research throughout dentistry. During SUMR, Ng was mentored by LDI Senior Fellow Molly Candon, PhD, in a study focused on evaluating the impact of patient attributes such as gender, race, and ethnicity on their ability to access primary care physicians. Ng, who graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a BS before entering the Penn Dental School, said his research at Penn influenced his outlook on healthcare delivery and patient care in underserved communities. As a result, he will continue to serve these communities as a dentist in the National Health Service Corps scholarship program, which provides a full tuition stipend to attend professional school in exchange for working full-time in primary care in underserved areas across the US.