Virtual Event
Boosting Health Through Economic Policy: Tax and Labor Policies to Improve Population Health
A Conversation with Elizabeth Ananat, PhD, Bradley Hardy, PhD, MPP, and Aparna Mathur, PhD, moderated by Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD
Virtual Event
A Conversation with Elizabeth Ananat, PhD, Bradley Hardy, PhD, MPP, and Aparna Mathur, PhD, moderated by Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD
Virtual Event
A Conversation with Valerie Arkoosh, MD, MPH, Joseph Benitez, PhD, Adrianna McIntyre, PhD, MPH, and Mark Zandi, PhD, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD
In-Person Event
Germs in the Family: The Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Intra-Household Disease Spread
Open to Penn affiliates
In-Person Event
Open to Penn affiliates
In-Person Event
A Conversation with Alice Abernathy, MD, MSHP, Ari Friedman, MD, PhD, Dorothy E. Roberts, JD, and Courtney Schreiber, MD, MPH, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD
Open to Penn Affiliates
In-Person Event
The Legacies of Structural Racism and its Impacts on Mental Health Among Low-Income Black Young Adults: Findings From the Black Economic Equity Movement (BEEM)
Open to Penn affiliates
In-Person Event
Exploring Penn Medicine’s impact on population health over the past 30 years—and how their work is shaping the future of health care!
Virtual Event
A Conversation with Sherry Glied, PhD, Ayesha Jaco, MAM, and Brookshield Laurent, DO, and David Zuckerman, MPP, moderated by Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD
In-Person Event
A Conversation with Frances Lee, PhD, and Stephen Macedo, PhD, moderated by Mark Neuman, MD, MSc
Open to Penn affiliates