Are investigators allowed to request preliminary data from Monogram Health?
Yes, please email Nadiyah Browning with any preliminary data requests.
Will investigators be able to recruit patients enrolled in Monogram Health as study participants?
Yes. Please email Nadiyah Browning for more information.
Will investigators be able to recruit clinicians providing care to patients enrolled in Monogram Health?
Yes. Please email Nadiyah Browning for more information.
If you have questions about the Monogram Health dataset that are project specific and would like to discuss with Monogram Health’s Epidemiologist:
Please email Nadiyah Browning for more information.
Can an investigator mention relevant data they have access to in their proposal?
Yes, we recommend receiving a letter of support from the data owner to use data for your specific project.
Can investigator teams have more than one Principal Investigator?
Yes, teams can have up to two Principal Investigators.
Does the ban on indirect costs also apply to sub-awards for faculty co-investigators at other universities?
Are graduate students or nurses working on projects subject to the 30% salary and benefits limit?
No, the 30% salary and benefits limit applies to only faculty (including research track/non-standing), not staff.
Are hyperlinks to online data (ie. video material) allowed to be included in the application?
Yes, applicants are allowed to link to online data in their application.
Are investigators allowed to include publication costs and/or software in the budget?
Yes, but if the grant pays 100% for the software, then it should be justified within the proposal
Have a question?
Please email Nadiyah Browning.