Focus Areas

Health Equity

Health Equity

Improving health and reducing health disparities through a more equitable health care system.

Opioid Epidemic

Finding sustainable, humane, and effective solutions to the opioid epidemic.

Population Health

Population Health

Focusing on how societal events, structural forces, and policies influence the health of populations.

Featured Research Updates

We support and amplify scholarship that shapes and expands the knowledge required to improve population health, health care delivery, and health policy.

Working Groups

Penn LDI’s working groups convene researchers with common interests to build collaborations and catalyze new activities.

Our Experts

Over 500 LDI Fellows from across the University of Pennsylvania are part of the Penn LDI community.

Alexis Boulter

Alexis Boulter, MD

  • Clinical Fellow, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Instructor, Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine
Irma Elo

Irma Elo, PhD, MPA

  • Tamsen and Michael Brown Presidential Professor, Sociology, School of Arts and Sciences
Gary Bass

Gary Bass, MD, MSc, MBA, FEBS

  • Medical Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Pennsylvania Hospital
  • Assistant Professor, Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine
Katharine Rendle

Katharine Rendle, PhD, MPH

  • Associate Professor, Family Medicine and Community Health, Perelman School of Medicine
  • Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Perelman School of Medicine