In-Person Event
Research Seminar with Bocar Ba, PhD
Understanding Demand for Police Alternatives
Open to Penn affiliates
In-Person Event
Understanding Demand for Police Alternatives
Open to Penn affiliates
Virtual Event
A Conversation with Erin Fuse Brown, JD, MPH, David Cutler, PhD, and Kwame Raoul, JD, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD
In-Person Event
Health Care Transformation in Action: Practical Insights for Reimagining Care Delivery
Open to Penn affiliates
Virtual Event
A Conversation with Elizabeth Ananat, PhD and Bradley Hardy, PhD, MPP, moderated by Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD
In-Person Event
Open to Penn affiliates
In-Person Event
A Conversation with Alice Abernathy, MD, MSHP, Ari Friedman, MD, PhD, Dorothy E. Roberts, JD, and Courtney Schreiber, MD, MPH, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD
Virtual Event
A Conversation with Sherry Glied, PhD, Ayesha Jaco, MAM, and Brookshield Laurent, DO, and David Zuckerman, MPP, moderated by Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD