Health Care Access & Coverage
Prospects for Reform of Individual Health Insurance and the ACA’s Exchanges
Virtual Conversation with James C. Capretta, MA, Jonathan Gruber, PhD, and Katie Keith, JD, MPH, moderated by Allison K. Hoffman, JD

What can Congress and the Biden Administration do to fill coverage gaps that remain, more than a decade after the ACA’s passage? And what lies ahead for individual health insurance and the ACA’s exchanges? Leading health policy experts shared their thoughts on the short- and longer-term outlook for the exchanges in the broader context of national health insurance reform.
Presented in conjunction with the Seventh Annual Health Insurance Exchange Conference. Co-sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, Penn LDI, and the Princeton University Center for Health & Wellbeing, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

James C. Capretta, MA
American Enterprise Institute

Jonathan Gruber, PhD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Economics

Katie Keith, JD, MPH
Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Georgetown University

Allison K. Hoffman, JD (moderator)
University of Pennsylvania
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