Health Care Access & Coverage
Health Insurance Coverage in the Aftermath of COVID-19
Conversation with Larry Levitt, MPP, Mark Pauly, PhD, Jamila Taylor, PhD, and Hemi Tewarson, JD, MPH
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our health insurance system to its core, with nearly 27 million people potentially losing their job-based insurance. Some will now be eligible for Medicaid or subsidized coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Others will become uninsured, especially in states that have not expanded eligibility for Medicaid. All of this will strain public budgets on top of an already-struggling economy in the aftermath of the pandemic. Our panel of experts discussed the consequences of the pandemic on health insurance coverage and health care access, how it might affect health care reform debates in the upcoming election, and what the future might hold for health coverage in America.

Larry Levitt, MPP
Executive Vice President for Health Policy, Kaiser Family Foundation

Mark Pauly, PhD
Bendheim Professor, Department of Health Care Management, and Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, The Wharton School

Jamila Taylor, PhD
Director of Health Care Reform and Senior Fellow, The Century Foundation

Hemi Tewarson, JD, MPH
Director, Health Division, National Governors Association Center for Best Practices

David Grande, MD, MPA (moderator)
Director of Policy, Penn LDI and Associate Professor, Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine
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