Health Care Access & Coverage

Big Business in Health Care: Policy Challenges in the Age of Corporatized Medicine

A Conversation with Erin Fuse Brown, JD, MPH, David Cutler, PhD, and Kwame Raoul, JD, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD

12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m. ET March 7, 2025 Virtual Event

U.S. health care is being reshaped by corporatization and private equity. On one hand, these investments may improve the efficiency and profitability of health care institutions. Yet, while investors benefit, research suggests patients do not. In response, federal and state regulators are making efforts to scrutinize deal making and put patient interests first. At the same time, financiers are developing new ways to participate in health care markets and generate profits, which may come at a great cost. Join Penn LDI as we convene a panel of experts to discuss the pluses and minuses of corporatized health care models and explore policy approaches that retain benefits while curbing the bad behavior.

Supported by the Charles C. Leighton, MD Memorial Fund.


Erin Fuse Brown, JD, MPH

Professor, Health Services, Policy & Practice, Brown University

David Cutler, PhD

Otto Eckstein Professor, Applied Economics, Harvard University

Kwame Raoul, JD

Attorney General of Illinois

Rachel Werner

Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD (moderator)

Executive Director, Penn LDI; Robert D. Eilers Memorial – William Maul Measey Professorship in Health Care Management and Economics, Wharton School; Professor, Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine