Health Equity

Boosting Health Through Economic Policy: Health Systems’ Role in Improving the Economic Wellbeing of Communities

A Conversation with Sherry Glied, PhD, Ayesha Jaco, MAM, and Brookshield Laurent, DO, and David Zuckerman, MPP, moderated by Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD

12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m. ET May 2, 2025 Virtual Event

Boosting Health through Economic Policy

Hospitals and health care systems are often major economic engines in their communities. Many “anchor institutions” recognize that achieving equitable health outcomes for their neighbors requires tackling the underlying economic disparities that drive them. In response, these health care organizations have mobilized their operational resources, such as hiring and purchasing practices, to improve the economic prospects of local residents. This seminar, the third in the Boosting Health Through Economic Policy series, will consider the role of anchor institutions in raising the economic status and health of their communities. Panelists will discuss trends in anchor institutions’ approaches, limitations or cautions, and recommendations for the future.

Co-hosted with the Opportunity for Health Lab.


Sherry Glied, PhD

Dean and Professor of Public Service, New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Ayesha Jaco, MAM

Executive Director, West Side United Leadership

Brookshield Laurent, DO

Founding Executive Director, Delta Population Health Institute

David Zuckerman, MPP

President and Founder, Healthcare Anchor Network

Atheendar Venkataramani

Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD (moderator)

Associate Professor, Medical Ethics and Health Policy; Director, Opportunity for Health Lab, Perelman School of Medicine