Health Care Access & Coverage
Integrating Care for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries
A Conversation with Aisha Adkins, MPA, CNP, Toyin Ajayi, MD, MPhil, Matthew Behrens, MPA, and Melanie Bella, MBA, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD
People who qualify for full benefits in both Medicare and Medicaid—commonly known as “dually eligible” individuals—must navigate two separate programs with different and often misaligned rules and incentives. This leads to poor outcomes and high costs for this population, and confusion and frustration for individuals trying to access care. There is renewed interest in increasing access to integrated coverage and care for the 9 million people fully eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, enabled by past state demonstrations winding down, Medicare managed care expanding rapidly, and bipartisan interest in Congress to reign in health care spending. Earlier this year, together with Health Affairs, and support from The SCAN Foundation and Arnold Ventures, Penn LDI convened a group of researchers, dually eligible individuals and caregivers, representatives from states, and policymakers from CMS to provide input on a policy path that could advance integrated coverage and care for dually eligible beneficiaries. A panel of those experts discussed the resulting recommendations, Policy Brief, and White Paper.
Supported by the Charles C. Leighton, MD Memorial Fund.

Aisha Adkins, MPA, CNP

Toyin Ajayi, MD, MPhil
CEO and Co-Founder, Cityblock Health

Matthew Behrens, MPA
Integrated Care Policy Supervisor, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services

Melanie Bella, MBA
Executive Advisor, Cressey & Company; Former Chair of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)