Population Health

LDI Health Policy Retreat

8:00a.m. – 2:30p.m. January 29, 2020

The Study, 20 S. 33rd Street

Please join us for LDI’s Annual Health Policy Retreat, an event exclusively for LDI Fellows to come together to stimulate interdisciplinary research, foster campus-wide interactions, and network with colleagues, old and new. 
This year’s day will feature 5-minute lightning talks and a poster session with Fellows presenting current research and initiatives, a conversation on health care reform proposals between Zeke Emanuel (Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, and Diane v.S. Levy and Robert M. Levy University Professor at Penn) and Robert Moffit (Senior Fellow, Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation), and a hands-on session on successfully pitching your research to the media led by Dan Gorenstein, founder of the new podcast Tradeoffs. The event is free of charge, but please register by January 10th. Please note, this event is open to LDI Fellows only.


8 – 8:30                       Registration

8:30                             Welcome, Rachel Werner, Executive Director of LDI

8:45 – 9:30                  Lightning Talk Session #1: Vulnerable Populations

Judith Long – Moderator

Shoshana Aronowitz – Assumed Criminality and Other Factors that Influence the Receipt of Pain Treatment by Injured Black Patients: A Mixed-Studies Review

Rinad Beidas – Lessons Learned in Transforming Mental Health Care Through Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices

Damon Centola – Physician Network Intervention to Reduce Implicit Race/Gender Bias in Clinical Management of Chest Pain

Sameed Khatana – Trends in Cardiovascular Mortality and Economic Distress in Communities

Harald Schmidt – Implementation of Medicaid Work Requirements: Physicians’ Willingness to Request Exemptions for Vulnerable Populations

9:30 – 10:30                Poster Session and Networking Breakfast

10:30 – 11:15              Conversation on Health Care Reform

Ezekiel Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, and Diane v.S. Levy and Robert M. Levy Professor at Penn

Robert Moffit, Senior Fellow, Health Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation

11:20 – 12:05              Lightning Talk Session #2: Coverage and Delivery

Guy David – Moderator

Hanming Fang – Joint Labor Search, Spousal Insurance, and Health Care Reform

Matt Grennan – Physician-Hospital Integration and Medical Technology Pricing and Usage 2008-17

Dan Hopkins – Offsetting Policy Feedback Effects: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act

Karen Lasater – Valuing Hospital Investments in Nursing

Alon Bergman – Understanding Nursing Turnover: The Case of Home Health Care

12:10 – 12:25              Break & Pick Up Lunch

12:25 – 1:35                Lunch – Successfully Pitching Your Research

Dan Gorenstein, Host and Producer of Tradeoffs Podcast, Former Senior Reporter, Marketplace’s Health Desk

1:45 – 2:30                  Lightning Talk Session #3: Public Health Epidemics:
                                  Opioids and Violence

Zack Meisel – Moderator

Austin Kilaru – Participation in a Hospital Incentive Program to Improve Linkage to Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Elinore Kaufman – Epidemiology of U.S. Fatal and Nonfatal Firearm Injuries, 2009-2016

Anish Agarwal – Scalable Approaches to ‘Right-Sizing’ Opioid Prescribing for Acute Pain

Douglas Wiebe – A community-engaged process to site a supervised injection facility (SIF) in Philadelphia

Michal Gilad-Gat – The Tragedy of Wasted Funds and Broken Dreams: An Economic Analysis of Childhood Exposure to Crime and Violence

For more details and registration please contact pennldi-info@wharton.upenn.edu.