Health Care Access & Coverage

What Happened to the Nursing Workforce?

A Conversation with David Benton, PhD, RN, Bianca Frogner, PhD, Gopi Shah Goda, PhD, Karen Lasater, PhD, RN, moderated by Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD

12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m. ET December 1, 2023 Virtual Event

The health care workforce is facing labor shortages in multiple professions, with the shortage of nurses being particularly acute. Multiple causes have been blamed for this shortage, including burnout, uneven geographic distribution, demographic shifts, and the rise of travel and agency nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while the threat of pandemic has eased, the shortage persists. Penn LDI and a panel of experts discussed this multifaceted issue to explore how stakeholders, including policymakers, health care organizations, and educational institutions might work together to solve it.



David Benton

David Benton, PhD, RN

Former Chief Executive Officer, National Council of State Boards of Nursing

Bianca Frogner, PhD

Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Director, Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington

Gopi Shah Goda

Gopi Shah Goda, PhD

Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Stanford University

Karen Lasater

Karen Lasater, PhD, RN

Associate Professor, Penn Nursing; Fellow, American Academy of Nursing

Rachel M. Werner

Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD (moderator)

Executive Director, Penn LDI; Robert D. Eilers Professor of Health Care Management and Economics, Wharton School; Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine