Enmanuel “Manny” Fernandez is a PhD Student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Eidos Predoctoral Research Fellow, and a Fontaine Fellow. As a research doctoral student, his main research interests involve understanding the multilevel socio-ecological factors affecting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) testing among at-risk populations, and its implications for Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (Doxy-PEP) utilization once an individual has a potential exposure to a bacterial STI. He is also passionate about increasing access to STI/HIV care and education while reducing associated stigmas. His long-term goal is to bridge his passion for health equity with his leadership skills to work in a higher-education role that will open doors for other first-generation students. Fernandez earned his Bachelor’s degrees in Nursing & Health Science at Rutgers University.

Associate Fellow
Enmanuel Fernandez
- PhD Student, Nursing, Penn Nursing