Neil Malhotra

Senior Fellow

Neil R. Malhotra, MD

  • Professor, Neurological Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine

Neil R. Malhotra, MD is Chief of Neurosurgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Department Vice Chairman, and is the Fellowship Director for the Frazier Scholar and McKenna Scholar in Statistics Fellowships. Dr. Malhotra directs the EpiLog outcomes lab and co-directs the Restorative Spinal Therapy (ReST) Laboratory / Translational Spine Research Lab (TSRL). Dr. Malhotra is committed to advancing care for all surgical diseases, with special attention to complex spinal oncologic and degenerative conditions.

Dr. Malhotra’s teams work with bench models characterizing native tissue structure/function, develop small and large animal models, perform clinical research, and lead prospective clinical trials designed to alleviate patient suffering. In the TSRL and ReST lab, the biomechanical, structural, and ultrastructure changes of intervertebral disc degeneration are studied and disease-altering therapeutic approaches are developed. In the EpiLog outcomes laboratory electronic health record (EHR), modifications are implemented. EHR advances improve clinical outcomes and provide predictive models to reduce patient risk.

Dr. Malhotra initiated the Equity State Lab in 2015 to study outcome disparities related to social determinants of health. The lab leverages EpiLog to identify disparities in care and then seeks to mitigate newly uncovered disparities. Dr. Malhotra has published more than 150 research manuscripts and has mentored more than 30 research fellows, statistical fellows, and research residents.

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