Rebecca Suzanne Pepe, MPH is a PhD student in Social Welfare in the School of Social Policy and Practice. She is interested in applied research to understand how to support individuals with insecure housing as they access and navigate the health care system. Pepe is a University of Pennsylvania Presidential Fellow and currently works as a Research & Analytics Fellow at the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Integrated Data for Evidence and Action. Pepe moved to Philadelphia in 2016 to begin working at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine. She supported several studies using behavioral economics to understand and promote the delivery of guideline-concordant clinical care. Prior to beginning the PhD Program, Pepe worked at Anthem’s research subsidiary, managing projects using claims data to answer questions related to health economics, safety, and epidemiological outcomes.
Pepe attended the Yale School of Public Health and earned her Master’s in Public Health, focusing on social and behavioral sciences.