Robert C. Hornik, PhD is the Wilbur Schramm Professor Emeritus of Communication and Health Policy at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been PI for more than $40 million in NIH and USAID funding. Dr. Hornik has led the evaluation of more than 20 public health communication campaigns including those focused on child survival, HIV prevention and tobacco use throughout the world. He is the author of Development Communication, editor of Public Health Communication: Evidence for Behavior Change , and co-editor of Prediction and Change of Health Behavior, as well as more than 150 refereed articles and papers. He has served on five U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committees, is a Fellow of the International Communication Association, and received the Derryberry Award from the American Public Health Association and the Lindback award for distinguished teaching at Penn. He holds a PhD from Stanford University.

Senior Fellow
Robert Hornik, PhD
- Wilbur Schramm Professor Emeritus, Communication and Health Policy, Annenberg School for Communication