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José A. Bauermeister, PhD, MPH, LDI Senior Fellow and Professor and Chair of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Department of Family & Community Health, has been appointed to the National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NACMHD). The council is part of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Bauermeister is also Director of the Nursing School’s Eidos LGBTQ+ Health Initiative and a Professor of Psychiatry in the Perelman School of Medicine. His interdisciplinary research integrates perspectives from public health, psychology, sexuality, and health communication with the goal of developing innovative, multilevel interventions for racial, ethnic, and sexual minority adolescents and young adults.
The NACMHD’s work is focused on populations burdened by disparities in health status and health care delivery, including racial and ethnic minority groups, rural populations, populations with low socioeconomic status, and other population groups. The council’s members are drawn from the scientific, medical, and lay communities, so they offer diverse perspectives on minority health and health disparities.
Meeting three times a year, the council advises the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the directors of NIH and NIMHD on matters related to NIMHD’s mission. The council also conducts the second level of review of grant applications and cooperative agreements for research and training and recommends approval for projects that show promise of making valuable contributions to human knowledge.
$2.6 Trillion From Publicly Traded Companies Went to Dividends and Stock Buybacks, LDI Study Shows
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