At the LDI 2022 Health Policy Retreat podium discussing her latest work on access to primary and specialty care in nursing homes is LDI Senior Fellow Kira Ryskina, MD, MSHP, a member of the first of three panels presenting and discussing their findings at the event. (Photos: Hoag Levins)
Marking its return to large-scale in-person events after two years of pandemic isolation, the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics brought together its community of Senior and Associate Fellows for the 2022 LDI Health Policy Retreat on April 20 in the Study at University City. The gathering included “lightening talks” by three panels of 17 presenters detailing their latest research in the fields of older adult care, health equity, and health care innovations. A keynote session featured former CDC Director Julie Gerberding and LDI Fellow Ezekiel Emanuel critiquing the CDC’s performance over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. A poster and networking session ended the event. [ Click images for larger ]
LDI Executive Director Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD, opened the retreat and introduced the first panel of LDI Fellows in the Study at University City. The panelists were (l to r) Hummy Song, PhD, MPP, the Wharton School; Kira Ryskina, MD, MSHP, Perelman School of Medicine; Rachel French, PhD, RN, National Clinician Scholars program; Norma Coe, PhD, Co-Director of the Population Aging Research Center (PARC); Katie Auriemma, MD, Perelman School; and panel moderator Atul Gupta, PhD, the Wharton School.
Rachel French, PhD, RN, LDI Associate Fellow and Postdoctoral Fellow in the National Clinician Scholars Program at the Perelman School of Medicine, presented on pre-pandemic nursing practice conditions in hospitals and their implications through and beyond the pandemic.
LDI Senior Fellow Eugenia South, MD, MSHP, Faculty Director of Penn’s Urban Health Lab, discussed her work in community level health interventions.
At the podium is LDI Associate Fellow Onome Osokpo, PhD, RN, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Biobehavioral Health Sciences at the Penn School of Nursing. Other LDI Senior or Associate Fellows on the second panel included (l to r) Sasmira Matta, PhD student at the Wharton School; Samuel Takvorian, MD, MSHP, the Perelman School of Medicine; Eugenia South, MD, MSHP; and panel moderator Adriana Perez, PHD, Penn Nursing.
LDI Senior and Associate Fellows on the third panel included (l to r) Alexander Olssen, PhD, the Wharton School; Anna Morgan, MD, MSc, Medical Director of COVID Watch at the Perelman School of Medicine; Austin Kilaru, MD, MSHP, the Perelman School of Medicine; Abby Alpert, PhD, the Wharton School; Diane Alexander, PhD, the Wharton School; and moderator Scott Lorch, MD, MSCE, the Wharton School.
LDI Senior Fellow Austin Kilaru, MD, MSHP, and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine presented on the PATH (Practical Alternative to Hospitalization) randomized controlled trial.
Samuel Takvorian, MD, MSHP, LDI Senior Fellow and Assistant Professor in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the Perelman School of Medicine presented on the association between state Medicaid policies and accrual of Black participants to Cancer Clinical Trials.
Anna Morgan, MD, MSc, LDI Senior Fellow and Director of Care Management and Community Health at the Perelman School of Medicine talked about her work with a 30-day automated text messaging program to support post-discharge transitions of care.
Retreat Poster Session
LDI Associate Fellow Liisa Laine, PhD, MSc, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Health Management at the Wharton School passes by the entrance door that also reveals LDI Executive Director Rachel Werner greeting people inside.
For many of the Senior and Associate Fellows, the sessions were the first time they’d met many of their colleagues in over two years.
LDI Senior Fellow Rebecca Clark, PhD, MSN, RN (right), discusses her poster about racial disparities in low-risk cesarean section rates with LDI Associate Fellow Kathleen Rosenbaum, BSN, RN, a PhD student at Penn Nursing.
LDI Senior Fellow Ross Koppel, PhD, Professor of Biomedical Informatics at the Perelman School of Medicine, explains his study that was the first to comprehensively estimate the annual costs of health care related software across the country. The total is $318,994,864,653, or 7.9% of the annual $4 trillion spent on health care.