The following excerpt is from an op-ed that first appeared in The Hill on July 20th, 2024.

A long-awaited court decision has finally arrived, with disturbing health implications: The ruling exempts select employers from fully covering a daily pill that can prevent a person’s chances of getting HIV by up to 99 percent.

But the effects of the Braidwood Management v. Becerra case extend beyond HIV care. The case could invalidate a startling range of free preventative services, and lead to a big jump in patient’s payments for cancer screenings, preventive drugs for heart disease, depression screenings, crucial prenatal care and much more. 

Here’s how preventive care has suddenly become vulnerable.

Read the entire op-ed here.


Jalpa Doshi

Jalpa Doshi, PhD

Professor, Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine

Lorraine Dean, ScD

Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health

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