LDI Senior Fellow and University of Pennsylvania Professor Rinad Beidas, PhD, is being honored with the Acenda Institute of Health Innovation’s inaugural Research Pioneer Award for her work in the fields of behavioral health and implementation science. The award will be presented at a ceremony on April 19.

Headshot of Rinad Beidas, a University of Pennsylvania professor.
Rinad Beidas, PhD

A Professor of both Psychiatry and Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the Perelman School of Medicine, Beidas is the Director of the Penn Implementation Science Center (PISCE@LDI) at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, and Director of the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit.

Excellence and Innovation

She is one of four health care professionals honored in the Acenda Institute’s annual “Momentum Awards” designed to recognize excellence and innovation in the behavioral health field.

The other three winners of awards in other categories are the Senior Vice President for Population Health at Temple University, the Assistant Commissioner for the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the founder of the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation that works to eradicate the stigma around mental health issues in the African American community.

The Acenda Institute’s parent, Acenda Integrated Health, was established in 2019 by the merger of several behavioral health and community based service organizations in New Jersey. Headquartered in Glassboro, NJ, the non-profit operates more than 100 mental and physical health and social services programs throughout 10 of the state’s counties.

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