Aditi Doiphode
Aditi Doiphode is pursuing a double major in Biophysics and Health Policy & Law at the University of Pennsylvania with plans to attend medical school. During her first year at Penn, Doiphode conducted research on state allocation plans for COVID-19 vaccines with Harald Schmidt, PhD, MA in Penn’s Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy. She extracted data on how states plan to prioritize vulnerable populations using disadvantage indices, Tiberius, and zip-code based allocation, which led to a publication in Nature Medicine.
During SUMR, Doiphode again worked on a project with Dr. Schmidt. Doiphode used an evaluation matrix to analyze federal, state, or city-level data to assess vaccine coverage rates relative to disadvantaged populations and applied this knowledge to understand implications to post-COVID health care delivery. In addition, she led a project that focused on how states planned to accommodate undocumented immigrants in COVID-19 vaccine administration given higher vaccine hesitancy in this population.
At Penn, Doiphode serves as an associate editor for Penn Bioethics Journal and recently published an article with Wharton’s Undergraduate Penn Healthcare Review. Last fall, she spoke to several congresspeople regarding nuclear energy alternatives through the Penn Science Policy & Diplomacy Group. She also volunteers for the Service Link hotline, a program that aims to promote health-based community resources to homeless and refugee populations. In her free time, Doiphode loves to read and spend time outdoors.