Andrew Lu

University of Pennsylvania , Class of 2026

Major: Economics: Healthcare Management & Policy

Andrew Lu is a rising junior concentrating in Health Care Management and Policy at Wharton. After his undergraduate studies, he hopes to attend medical school. He is interested in health policy and economics and hopes to explore the wide range of exciting research being done at the Leonard Davis Institute and Penn.

As a SUMR Scholar, he is splitting his time between two projects. At the Mixed Methods Research Lab, he is working under Dr. Peter Cronholm and Andrea Bilger to apply qualitative data collection methods in a coding project that will include cleaning and preparing data for coding, codebook development, and writing a research summary. With Dr. James Guevara and Michelle Reece from CHOP Policy Lab, Andrew will be supporting a study that tests a novel social media-based parenting program for women with postpartum depression.

On campus, Andrew is also involved in the Undergraduate Assembly as an elected Wharton representative, Penn Reproductive Justice, and the Penn Club Badminton Team.

Presentation Slides