Pavel Karasek

St. Olaf College, Class of 2025

Major: Quantitative Economics

Minor: Math & Computer Science

Pavel Karasek- a native of Czech Republic- is a junior at St. Olaf College, and majors in computer science, math, and quantitative economics, with a concentration in statistics and data science. He currently works a part-time data analyst position specializing in pharmaceutical detailing data. After becoming interested in economics, he added quantitative economics to his studies in efforts to better understand the dynamics of the healthcare industry.

Pavel will be working on two projects during his time in SUMR. Under the mentorship of Dr. Farouk Dako, he will use his technical skills to help determine the effectiveness of a community support program aimed at improvement of adherence to lung cancer screening. In his second project, led by Dr. Caoimhe Duffy, he will contribute to identification of effective perioperative behaviors that improve the safety of patients.

After graduation, Pavel hopes to attend graduate school to study statistics or other data related fields like biostatistics, econometrics, or machine learning. Outside of school, Pavel has played hockey since he was six years old and is on the St. Olaf varsity team. He is also an academic tutor, and he enjoys helping others understand concepts they struggle with- which has influenced him to consider a career as a professor.

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