As the 2022 Year in Review demonstrates, Penn LDI had a busy year that included a number of news stories that drew attention to the accomplishments of our Fellows. The top three most-read LDI news stories on our website in 2022 were articles published in late 2021 that continued to draw audiences throughout last year. They were:
The War on Drugs as Structural Racism In June 2021, Penn LDI convened a virtual seminar on racial justice in national drug policy. Panelists discussed how the war on drugs has filled American prisons, the racial disproportionality of who is incarcerated, and how current policies perpetuate structural racism.
COVID-19 Vaccines a Year Later: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Experts at this Penn LDI virtual seminar looked at 12 tumultuous months of the vaccine rollout and found they have been safe and effective. Yet they’ve endured an onslaught of misinformation thathas fueled extraordinary levels of vaccine hesitancy. This won’t be the planet’s last pandemic, they warned.
The Accelerating Quest to Cross-Train Nurses as Innovative Bioengineers Nurses often find that new technology is missing critical features so they must get involved in designing new systems long before they come online, according to a colloquium assembled by Penn LDI Associate Fellow Marion Leary, Penn Nursing’s first Director of Innovation.
The three most-read news pieces written in 2022 were:
NASEM Report Calls for Sweeping Reorganization of Nursing Home Industry A 12-member National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) committee that included LDI Executive Director Rachel M. Werner and LDI Senior Fellow Mary Ersek proposed a plan to overhaul nursing home care and financing in the U.S. The pandemic uncovered and exacerbated the critical problems that already existed in the industry.
Penn Nursing’s Transcontinental Implementation Science Project Prevails Over Pandemic Penn LDI Senior Fellow, Linda Aiken, and Penn Nursing’s Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research co-lead the Magnet4Europe project – an initiative to overhaul the hospital clinical work environment. The team confronted an enormous challenge from the COVID-19 pandemic, but the work continues in over 70 hospitals.
For popular and noteworthy research blog posts of the past year, check here.
From Skin Grafts to Cesareans, a New Tool Measures Regional Availability of Surgeries to Help Decision Makers Track the Impact of Policies to Increase Equitable Access