Ashley Anumba
Ashley Anumba majored in Health and Societies with a concentration in Health Policy and Law, with minors in Bioethics and Law and Society at the University of Pennsylvania. In the future, she wants to work to create more comprehensive and equitable pathways that address the health concerns of low-income and minority communities. Ashley is currently a student at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Anumba worked on two SUMR research projects. With Holly Fernandez Lynch, JD, MBE and Dr. Emily Largent, JD, PhD, RN she worked on understanding the ethical and regulatory issues regarding pre approval access to investigational drugs for those that have exhausted all medical treatment options. With Dr. Shoshana Aronowitz, PhD, FNP-BC, MSHP she helped evaluate the unmet health and social needs of individuals waiting for court hearings at the Philadelphia Center for Criminal Justice.
At Penn, Anumba was Executive Director of firstServices, an on-campus laundry business, and one of 10 other student-run businesses within Penn Student Agencies. Along with running a company, Anumba also worked at Penn LDI, served as the External Liaison for the Penn African Student Association (PASA), and was a student leader for Peers Helping Incoming New Students (PHINS). Apart from her jobs and club involvements, she was part of the Penn Track and Field team and is nationally ranked in the discus. She also competed for the Nigerian National Track and Field team at track meets around the world. In her free time, Anumba enjoys listening to music, in particular Afrobeats, cooking, spending time with friends, and watching Netflix.