LDI can work with you to create a customized plan to translate your proposed research into plain language and to disseminate your findings to relevant stakeholders, including public health officials, health care administrators and payers, and policymakers.

Boost Your Proposal’s Rating

No longer satisfied with the standard language describing meeting presentations and journal publications, funders are looking for evidence that their dollars will have a direct impact on policy and practice through clear and targeted communication of the project findings. LDI can help with you accomplish this, by translating your research results into plain language and disseminating these results to relevant stakeholders.

Having a strong description of these activities demonstrates your commitment and ability to disseminating your research and makes your proposal more competitive and attractive to a broad array of funders during the grant review process.  In addition, ensuring that your research results reach a diverse audience, including policy makers, health care leaders, community members, and lay press, is an increasing focus for funders. While translation and dissemination activities do not have a dedicated section in NIH grant review, your plans for disseminating your research are considered in your impact score.

What We Offer

LDI can help extend your research’s reach by translating your research into plain language and helping to implement a detailed plan to make sure your results reach an audience that can use them to influence health care policy and practice.

More specifically, LDI offers three packages of services that can be included in grant proposals. These packages are priced as “bundles” and are intended to accommodate a range of budgets and translation and dissemination needs. The names and specific components of each bundle are as follows:

A detailed translation and dissemination strategy for your research results
This includes translating research results into plain language and highlighting policy relevance, then distributing these summaries to a wide, but carefully selected audience of policy makers, stakeholders, media, and others as applicable.

Blog BundleProduction of a standard blog post or infographic from one paper resulting from the grant
Brief BundleProduction of a written summary of the research, formatted as a 2-page Research Brief from one paper resulting from the grant
Support for writing and placing an op-ed related to the research results
Synthesis BundleProduction of a written synthesis of up to two papers resulting from the grant, formatted as an Issue Brief or Policy Brief
Support for writing and placing an op-ed related to the research results
Creation of a full social media strategy for up to two papers

This includes conducting outreach to relevant stakeholder accounts, posting and amplifying content on Penn LDI’s social media accounts, and designing and deploying social media-friendly graphics.

The price range for our standard bundled services is $12,500–$22,500.

How to Include LDI in Your Grant Proposal

If you are an LDI Senior Fellow preparing a grant proposal that you think is well aligned with LDI’s expertise, and are interested in learning more about how LDI can help with translation and dissemination of your research results in increase their impact, please complete this brief inquiry form at least one month prior to the grant deadline. We will provide you with more information about available services, pricing of those services, and boilerplate language about our services, a letter of support, and other items needed for your extramural application.

For more information about LDI’s Extramural Funding Support to discuss options for your specific proposal, please email Traci Chupik.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to budget LDI in my grant in order for my work to be covered by LDI?

No! There are multiple avenues for LDI Fellows’ work to be covered by LDI. We have limited staff capacity and, within that capacity, we aim to cover as much Fellow work as we can.  Research that is well aligned with LDI’s mission and focus is given first priority.  However, the only way to guarantee coverage for your work, is via these paid services.

If I am interested in translation and dissemination services that are not included in LDI’s current “menu” of deliverables, is there a way to request customized services?

Yes! If our standard service bundles do not fit your needs, please reach out to Traci Chupik to discuss a custom plan.

Am I unable to use LDI services if I am priced out of the starting cost?

No! Please contact Traci Chupik to discuss alternate, abridged options that might work for your budget. 

If I enlist these services, will LDI provide me with boilerplate language that is customized to my grant?

LDI will provide general boilerplate language about LDI and our services that you can include in your proposal.  We do not provide customized boilerplate that incorporates your specific grant elements.  We will, however, customize a letter of support for you.

What specific infrastructure does LDI have to support research translation and dissemination?

Our biggest resource is our small, but mighty, team of LDI staff. LDI staff are highly experienced in translating and disseminating research on a wide variety of topics and have a proven and rigorous content production processes. Our staff also include media and communications specialists, who can facilitate the writing and placement of op-eds in local and national outlets and optimize content for multiple social media platforms.

What are the components of LDI’s external reach? Why do I need LDI when I have my own networks?

LDI maintains newsletter lists of over 15,000 external subscribers and over 3,000 internal subscribers.  We also have over 8,500 followers on X and a growing number of followers on LinkedIn. In 2023, our website had over 552,000 pageviews from over 328,000 users. In addition, we maintain a curated emailing list of more than 12,000 policymakers, clinicians, and community and industry groups, as well as targeted emailing lists for our priority areas, which includes health care coverage/access, health equity, the opioid epidemic, population health, and improving care for older adults.

Can you provide case studies of these services, including the project, deliverable(s), and any positive results?

Yes! For four case studies, please review the call-out boxes on this page. 

Can you provide examples of written content, including blogs and briefs, that has resulted from these services?

Yes! Please see the examples below.

Can you provide examples of op-eds that LDI has supported?

Yes! Please see some examples below.

How do I discuss the possibilities for LDI’s support and inquire further?

Please submit an inquiry form and Traci Chupik will connect with you to strategize.

I budgeted LDI in my grant proposal and I just received a notice of award from the funder.  What do I do now?

First, congrats! Please make sure to let Traci Chupik know that your proposal was successful so that we can implement our upcoming planned work together.

Examples of GrantBoost Services:

Case Study: Research Brief

LDI worked with Norma Coe, PhD, to disseminate the findings from her study on Medicare costs attributable to dementia, funded by the National Institute on Aging. Based on her resulting publication in Health Services Research, LDI developed a one-page Research Brief. Dr. Coe distributed the Brief and presented her results at the Milken Global Conference, greatly expanding the reach and audience for her work.

Case Study: Research Brief

LDI worked with Therese Richmond, PhD, RN to amplify her work as a Co-Investigator of the  Penn Injury Science Center (PISC). This work, funded by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resulted in a publication in JAMA Surgery and LDI created a Research Brief based on her team’s findings. LDI also featured related work in a blog, which collectively led to a presentation of findings to the Philadelphia ACES Task Force and communications with the Health Federation of Philadelphia.

Case Study: Policy

LDI worked with Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD to circulate his findings, published in JAMA Pediatrics, which found that young citizen children were more likely to receive important social services when their undocumented mothers became eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
This research letter and a blog written by LDI were both cited in a Government of Mexico friend of the court filing in the U.S. Supreme Court case challenging the Trump Administration’s efforts to end DACA.

Case Study: Policy

LDI worked with Rebecca Stewart, PhD, David Mandell, ScD, and co-authors to disseminate the findings of their study in the Harm Reduction Journal regarding using vending machines to deliver lifesaving items like fentanyl test strips and overdose-reversal drugs. LDI drafted a blog about the study and shared the information with the Substance Use Policy Analyst for the City of Burlington.
The study was then disseminated to Policymakers and program administrators involved in design of Vermont’s opioid overdose response strategy, including U.S. Senate Staff and members of the State Legislature.

Traci Chupik

Traci Chupik, MSEd

Director of Operations