$1.5 Million Grant Expands Penn’s Undergrad Minority Health Research Pipeline
NIA Funding Launches PARC and LDI’s New GEAR UP Program
A 15-month fellowship in the demography and economics of aging and health care for undergraduates.
Established in the spring of 2022 with funding from the National Institute of Aging, the Get Experience in Aging Research Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP) supports undergraduate students through a 15-month immersive mentored research experience in Penn’s broad community of aging-related health care researchers.
This joint venture between the Population Aging Research Center (PARC) and the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI) aims to engage interested students in the demography and economics of aging, health, and health care.
GEAR UP provides undergraduates with an opportunity to grow their skills in research, enrich their network of mentors and colleagues, and become more deeply involved in research that addresses the nation’s aging-related biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. The program includes formal and informal activities and incorporates online components during the academic year to accommodate students outside of Philadelphia.
The 2025 GEAR UP program will run for 15 months, beginning May 27, 2025 through August 14, 2026.
Aging in America is not going as planned. COVID-19, declining life expectancy, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), and a large and aging Baby Boomer population at risk for ADRD present the potential for a looming long-term care crisis. In all these areas, motivating researchers to pursue research careers will bring desperately needed new talent and creative solutions to the field.
Hans-Peter Kohler, PhD
Co-Director of PARC and GEAR UP
All rising undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in exploring the demography and economics of aging and health care are welcome to apply. Program applicants should have a demonstrated interest in health care and strong quantitative skills. You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to be considered for GEAR UP.
Prospective participants do not have to make a commitment in advance to attend graduate school to be accepted into the program, but an academic or research career should be something they are considering.
Application Instructions
Apply for the GEAR UP program via Interfolio. When prompted, indicate your specific interest in GEAR UP.
Interfolio/Dossier is the platform through which you will upload various parts of your application and allow you to track the progress of your application to GEAR UP. If you have not already signed into or created your Interfolio/Dossier account, use this link to do so now: https://account.interfolio.com/login. (If you are creating a new Dossier account, make sure to select the free option.)
In addition to the application form, we also require:
Upload your unofficial college transcript and resume to Dossier.
To request letters of recommendation through Dossier, go to the Letters tab. In the upper right corner, click on “Request a Letter” and fill out the contact information for your two references (you may have to “Add New Contact” for each of the references). Some helpful hints regarding your letters of recommendation include:
Application Deadline
The2025 application cycle has now closed.
Application Review Process
A committee of Penn faculty selects each year’s GEAR UP scholars from a competitive applicant pool. To be considered, all application materials must be received by the deadline. Applicants will be selected and contacted for a scheduled phone, virtual, or in-person interview. A final admission notice will be sent to interviewed applicants within two weeks of the interview and to non-interviewed candidates at the time of interview decisions.
Please contact Joanna Kim, MPH, Project Manager with any questions.
GEAR UP aims to foster students’ passion for research and their desire to continue to graduate studies in research. We do so through targeted activities in three areas:
Focus Areas
To leverage the strengths of PARC’s and Penn LDI’s research, GEAR UP focuses on five themes, which are closely aligned with the research themes and networks of both PARC and LDI. Those themes are:
GEAR UP training in these five themes is further enhanced through existing research networks that are supported by PARC and LDI. These networks are designed to foster interdisciplinary and innovative aging research, not only at Penn but nationally and internationally, with activities and resources that encourage and nurture development of younger researchers.
GEAR UP Curriculum
Summer 1
In their first summer, all GEAR UP Scholars participate in the curriculum and activities of the Summer Undergraduate Mentored Research Program (SUMR) from late May to August. GEAR UP Scholars are fully integrated into that year’s SUMR cohort and have the opportunity to immediately build a broad peer network. In addition, GEAR UP Scholars participate in supplemental aging-focused curriculum once a week.
For more information about the SUMR program, please visit the SUMR website.
GEAR UP Scholars continue skill-building, cohort-building, and interest-building in aging-related research throughout the academic year from September to May. Students will participate in activities that will allow them to interact with fellow GEAR UP Scholars and other members of the academic community. These activities will occur once a month and focus on research skill building. All Scholars will be encouraged to participate in a research study involving analyzing existing data sets under the guidance of experienced researchers during the academic year, with the goal of a co-authored publication.
Summer 2
Summer 2 will run from June through August of the second summer. Scholars will work on one research project for 12 weeks, providing an opportunity to build on the research skills and knowledge formed in Summer 1. It will also give students a chance to take on a more in-depth project, play a role in leading that project and, if desired, conduct that work internationally. Scholars also will also participate in workshops, panels, and social events during the summer.
Please contact Joanna Kim, MPH with any questions.
Can I apply through Handshake?
No, please fill out the full application using the link in the “How to Apply” section above. Applications received through Handshake will not be accepted.
Will I receive a confirmation that all pieces of my application have been received?
Yes, you will be notified as soon as you submit your application that it was received.
How many letters of recommendation are required?
Two, as specified under “How to Apply.”
Is housing provided?
No, but GEAR UP provides discounted housing near campus.
How do we go about finding housing?
There are many affordable housing options available during the summer in Philadelphia. We strongly recommend utilizing our provided subsidized housing, so you are housed with other GEAR UP Scholars. However, you can search for summer sublets through off campus housing sites, Facebook groups, or rooming with other GEAR UP scholars.
Will GEAR UP pay for transportation costs to the University of Pennsylvania?
No. We suggest that you request a stipend from your university if transportation will be an issue.
What is the difference between SUMR scholars and GEAR UP scholars?
What time commitment is necessary, and how are GEAR UP scholars compensated?
GEAR UP scholars earn $20/hour during the summer months for a time commitment of 40 hours/week. Students work with their mentors to devise their summer schedule. GEAR UP programming will occur at least twice a month and consist of lunches, dinners, workshops, and panels. Scholars should expect to spend between 6-10 hours each month to maintain good standing status in the program.
Can I take a summer class while participating in GEAR UP?
No. GEAR UP is a full-time position during Summer 1.
How can I learn about current and past GEAR UP Scholars?
Visit our GEAR UP Scholars page to learn about current and past cohorts.
Who should I contact if I have other questions?
Please contact Joanna Kim, MPH with any questions.
Penn’s GEAR UP program provides a scholarship opportunity for current and former GEAR UP Scholars. Scholars are eligible for up to $3,000 to enhance their research and professional skills. This could include training opportunities or travel for academic presentations.
If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact us at GEARUP@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.
Current and former GEAR UP Scholars are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to those enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies with a population aging focus.
Applications are on a rolling basis and can be submitted here.
Candidates will be notified if they have been selected within one month of applying.
Applicants must complete and submit the following required documents:
Please contact GEARUP@pennmedicine.upenn.edu with any questions.
Faculty involvement is a crucial element of GEAR UP.
If you are a Penn faculty member and interested in mentoring and collaborating with a GEAR UP Scholar on a specific project, please submit this Mentor Application by February 15, 2025.
NIA Funding Launches PARC and LDI’s New GEAR UP Program